Journal of Judicial Studies
Author Information
The Journal of Judicial Studies holds an open reception policy of manuscripts for its two sections.
To adjust to the Journal´s required format, authors should consider the instructions detailed in the sections: Guidelines for Authors; Review Process; and Ethical Standards.
1. Guidelines for Authors
1.1 Formal Requirements
Manuscripts must contain original and unpublished work, written in Spanish. In the case of translations, the name of the translator must be indicated at the bottom of the page. Exceptionally, and with the approval of the Editorial Team, manuscripts in English, Portuguese and Italian are also accepted.
All texts must be single-spaced, written in 12-point font, Times New Roman. Manuscripts submitted to the Research Articles and Essays section may not be shorter than 7,000 words nor longer than 15,000 words in total.
Manuscripts submitted to the Commented Jurisprudence section may not be shorter than 5,000 words nor longer than 9,000 words.
The manuscript’s first page shall include the following information:
- A title: no longer than 30 words long, bold font, written in both, Spanish and English.
- The author’s full name and institution. The author’s name must include a footnote with contact information, such as an email address and ORCID (if available).
- An abstract: not exceeding 150 words, in both, Spanish and English.
- Keywords: five keywords, in Spanish and English, following the abstract/resumen.
To facilitate anonymous reviewing, authors should submit an anonymized copy of their manuscript, i.e., the manuscript should include its title, deleting authors´ identification and any references that could single them out.
1.2 Bibliography and citations
1.2.1 About the bibliography
The bibliography should use the following format:
For journal articles: Last name, First name (year in parentheses). “Journal Article Title”, Journal Title (Issue), pp. XX-XX, DOI.
Example: Atienza, Manuel (1990), «Para una teoría de la argumentación jurídica», Doxa. Cuadernos de Filosofía del Derecho, (8), 39-61,
For books: Last name, First name (year in parentheses). Title of the book, City: publisher.
Example: Alexy, Robert (1993). Teoría de los derechos fundamentales. Madrid: Centro de Estudios Constitucionales.
For book chapters: Last name, First name (year in parentheses). “Title of the book chapter”. In: Surnames, Name (editor/coordinator), Title of the collective work, City: publisher (volume), pp. XX-XX, DOI.
Example: Bulygin, Eugenio (2014). “Dogmática jurídica y sistematización del derecho.” In: Núñez Vaquero, Álvaro (coordinator), Modeling Legal Science, Lima: Palestra, pp. 53-86.
For jurisprudence: court, date and roll number.
Corte de Apelaciones de Valdivia, 23.8.2023, rol CIV 340-2023
Tribuna Civil de Osorno, 23.8. 2023, rol C-230-2023
Tribunal Constitucional, 23.8.2023, rol 3567-2023
1.2.2 Citations
Citation references must be embedded in the text. The source of the citation must be enclosed in parentheses and will use the following format: (Last name, year, pages).
Verbatim quotations must be enclosed in angular quotation marks (« »). To use quotation marks within a quotation, inverted commas quotation marks (” “) should be used. In the case of quotations exceeding three lines, they should be separated from the main body of the text, indented, with a smaller font size. In the case of modifications made to original citations, any changes should be indicated in square brackets ([ ]).
In the case of citations of several works by the same author, published in the same year, letters will be added after the year of publication, starting with “a,” “b,” “c,” and so on. For example: (Guastini, 2007a, pp. 10-15).